
Lent for Everyone: Luke Year C is unavailable, but you can change that!

The first in a successful three-volume collection to encourage Lenten reading, Lent for Everyone: Luke Year C contains a reading for each day of Lent, chosen from Luke’s Gospel, as well as a reflection by N. T. Wright to deepen readers’ understanding of the Gospel and its relevance to their lives.

57 As they were going along the road a man addressed Jesus. ‘Wherever you’re going,’ he said, ‘I’ll follow you!’ 58 ‘Foxes have lairs,’ Jesus replied, ‘and the birds of the sky have nests; but the son of man doesn’t have anywhere to lay his head.’ 59 To another person he said, ‘Follow me.’ But he replied, ‘Master, let me first go and bury my father.’ 60 ‘Let the dead bury their dead,’ said Jesus. ‘You must go and announce God’s kingdom.’ 61 ‘I will
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